Corporation details - Sturmgrenadier Inc [SGHQ]
Alliance: Pandemic Horde CEO:
Kills: 1630 HQ:
Losses: 2 Members: 376
ISK destroyed: 5,084.29B Shares: 8799010
ISK lost: 0.13B Tax Rate: 10%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website:
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Tytalus Warden
Toshiba Amiga Commodore
TrippleX Ozzy
Most violent systems
April 2024
All time
1 M2-XFE (0.0) 187
2 YZ9-F6 (0.0) 182
3 FWST-8 (0.0) 110
4 SVM-3K (0.0) 100
5 T5ZI-S (0.0) 89
6 Lantorn (0.3) 78
7 ZXB-VC (0.0) 63
8 319-3D (0.0) 60
9 NOL-M9 (0.0) 59
10 Y-2ANO (0.0) 45
11 1DQ1-A (0.0) 41
12 JP4-AA (0.0) 39
13 W6V-VM (0.0) 29
14 HIX4-H (0.0) 27
15 1DH-SX (0.0) 22
16 9P4O-F (0.0) 21
17 D-W7F0 (0.0) 21
18 NDII-Q (0.0) 21
19 NU4-2G (0.0) 19
20 9O-8W1 (0.0) 18
21 E-VKJV (0.0) 18
22 K-6K16 (0.0) 16
23 5-CQDA (0.0) 15
24 R1O-GN (0.0) 15
25 49-U6U (0.0) 14
Prime theme by Vecati